Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It is close!

Sorry I have been so bad at keeping up with my blog! It has been busy busy. I was blessed the day of my last blog to find out the "real" story behind God's involvement in Aidens birth. I know that God is in everything but I got Nada's side of what happened.

She was going to abort because she felt she could not have the baby but funding was not available. She later saved the money and she was too far along. (Whew) Then she found out that he had markers for Down Syndrome which was followed with an Amnio for a 99.99% diagnosis. So you see she knew before she found out that he had Downs that she couldn't keep him.
Fast forward to Aug. when I first saw him on CHASK. I asked that my profile be sent but it was not ready. So I said if he was meant to be mie it would work out. I kept looking and on her side she had picked a family. The mother (potential adoptive) had a sister with Downs, unfortunately she passed away during their matching process and once teh birth family picked them 100% the family had already been matched with another child and they would be together any day now. Birth mom asked if they wanted another and they said give him to someone else who is on this journey. (Do you have chills yet?) Now it is late September/earlyOctober. He was back up on CHASK same area and everything. But they wanted married couples only. I still thought why not so I requested that my profile be sent and CHASK said sorry they want married only. Which I knew was going to be a bump in my journey. A week and a half later he was still on the site I felt such a tug to try again. All they could say was no again...so I emailed Sherry at CHASK again and asked her to please send my profile. I didn't want to bother her but I told her if I am supposed to be his mommy and I don't try what will happen to him? About an hour later Sherry emailed me back and said she would sent it over. This was the Thursday before Buddy Walk. I was expecting 2 weeks or so but the next Monday is when they picked me! It took another week for birth dad to be onboard but he is mine! The funny thing is the week after we were matched my completed homestudy came in the mail! God is so amazing! If you rely on him he will pave the path. I had my first homestudy visit July 24th and he will be born on December 17th (if he behaves this is 2 weeks early). So in the time it takes most people to get a home study I got my baby boy! Oh and financially I was concerned. I applied for a loan and that didn't work out but I had paid off a Credit Card and not closed it out for some reason. Well it had a limit to cover what I had asked the bank for. I have also applied for a grant. Please continue to pray for that area!

I know this was long but I thought this part of the journey was so neat because you can see where this is God 's thing! I am just along for the ride!

Mom and I have 23 days before we meet Aiden Benjamin!

Please continue to pray for his birthfamily, my family, and the financials!

I can't wait for you all to meet him!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

6 Weeks

Wow Who would have thought it. God has truly steered this adoption and in 6 weeks I will be holding my son! HOLY COW! God is amazing. Not that I ever doubted!

Please continue to pray for his birth family. His birth dad is having a hard time signing his rights away. And pray that God will continue to work out the financial side of this also. Both lawyers are needing to be paid and I am waiting to hear from the bank. But God is good and this will all work out.

Have a great day!